Friday, July 2, 2010

The Gurumukh Yoga Forum - Sikhism and Tantric Yoga

The Gurumukh Yoga Forum - Sikhism and Tantric Yoga:

"Bhai Gurdas, however, makes it clear to all Sikhs of all ages that Yoga asanas and yoga techniques are absolutely useless and unnecessary for Sikh meditations and the spiritual path of Sikhism:

jog jugat gursikh gurs am jhay a

The Guru has himself explained to the Sikhs the technique of true Yoga, and it is this: A Sikh must live in such a moral and spiritual poise that while hoping and waiting he ceases to aspire or crave for low ambitions and remains unconcerned and detached. He should eat little and drink little. He should speak little and never waste time in nonsensical discussion. He should sleep little at night and keep away from the snare of wealth. He should never crave avariciously after wealth and property.

Bhai Gurdas, Var 20 / 15"

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