Wednesday, February 25, 2009

nice photo with explanation

This is a really nice photo. However, there are a few interesting points to be noted:

No one is spraying water in front of GGS (as the Sikhs have started doing nowadays). Secondly, while they are carrying GGS on their head, they are wearing shoes as well. Nowadays under the influence of Hindus, Sikhs have become more superstitious than them.

The most important point regarding Guru Granth Sahib, that we all must know and practice is that GGS is 'Shabad Guru'. Until we read or listen and practice His word, all other ways of assumed - sewa and respect are our ignorance and hypocrisy. A Sikh must learn to read His Guru - 'Treasure of Divine Word' to know the true way of being a Sikh.

Words by Prof. Jaswant Singh

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