Saturday, December 29, 2007


Bhagat Kabir jee says that I neither study nor get involved in wrangles ofthis world because I remain completely immersed by listening and praisingGod’s glory and virtues. (1)

O my friend! In the eyes of others I look like a mad person whereas thewhole world pretends to be very wise. The people consider as if I havefollowed a wrong path because I keep myself busy in reciting God’s True Naambut if it is so, others need not to suffer like me. (1 - Pause)

I have not become mad of my own because it is only due to God’s Bliss that Icompletely absorbed in the True Lord’s love. By virtue of God’s Grace, allmy dual-mindedness and doubts have disappeared. (2)

I have overcome my ego and abandoned my self-minded wisdom. If someone doesnot believe me, then they should neither follow my example nor they shouldworry about me. (3)

I wish to make it clear that the person is really mad, who has not attainedthe self-realisation. When devotee attains the Divine Enlightenment by God’sGrace then that Guru-oriented person understands the Truth that God pervadeseverywhere. (4)

Bhagat Kabir jee says that the person, who has not realized God’s love inthis life, will never rejoice equipoise elsewhere. But such true realizationcould only be attained if the person remains busy in reciting God’s TrueNaam with love and devotion. (5 / 2)
[By God’s Grace & Support, all moments, hours, days, months and years are excellent.]

Sharred by: Gurmit Singh (Sydney-Australia):

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